How Fast Will You Resolve My Personal Injury or Insurance Damage Case?
After successfully resolving many thousands of cases over the past three decades, we can offer great insight into this very important question.
The insurance company will likely offer you far less than your claim is worth, you must be prepared to reject the offer and fight for what’s fair.
But before even considering a “quick settlement” everyone involved must evaluate the merits of your claim.
Every case has strengths and weaknesses, affecting its value and the amount of time it will take to successfully resolve it.
Major factors to consider as we evaluate your case are:
What is the potential value of your case? Is it a very high, or a low amount?
What problems exist to prove the underlying allegations in your case?
Are all of the underlying facts now known, or are relevant facts still evolving?
Additionally, in all cases the amount of liability is affected by a determination of who was at fault.
We often must uncover and present evidence to prove who was at fault and why.
And we must further uncover and investigate all of the parties who may be held accountable.
This all requires evidence, such as expert witnesses, photographs, videos, emails, reports, etc. The list of types of evidence is vast.
One thing you can count on is the defendants in your case will be using every trick in the book to delay and deny paying you all the compensation you deserve for your damages.
They may hope to pay you 10% or less of what your case may yield after fully developed for successful settlement, or at trial.
We strongly advise you not to speak with the opposing side, and do not admit any fault.
Additionally, we strongly suggest you do not decide on any type of fast settlement until you know the potential value of your case.
Instead make sure you first have experienced, trusted legal counsel on your side.
This is why we encourage you to please contact us immediately.
Let our legal team of personal injury, insurance claim and business litigation attorneys lead you successfully away from the many mistakes you may make that lower the value of your case.
Call us now at 409-444-2020, or if you prefer fill-in the quick contact form on this page.
We promise we’ll be back in touch with you quickly to offer more valuable help.
And please remember our consultation with you is confidential, does not oblige you to do anything further, and is absolutely free.